What if children are far more capable than we imagine?

Fayetteville Acton Academy is an Innovative Learning Model for ages 5 to 13 & proudly serves Homeschool-Registered Families in the NW Arkansas Region.

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What makes
Fayetteville Acton different?

Bold experience providing a robust program which nurtures the Body AND Mind!
Kids learning at Acton
Acton Campus in Austin
Collaborating on real-world projects.
Girl in Acton Campus
Our relationship with Elite Dance Studios provides enhanced developmental & safety features
First and, currently, ONLY studio in the state of Arkansas certified by the World-Renowned childhood development organization, Youth Protection Advocates in Dance & Movement (YPAD)
Using the latest technology to master reading, writing and math.
On a Hero’s Journey, with challenges, adventures, fellow travelers and guides.
The Spark Studio
The Discovery Studio

Learner-driven communities run by heroes-in-the-making

Self-management and self-governance are celebrated daily by learners who use 21st Century skills to tackle real world projects, inspired by classic heroes in a tightly bound community with extremely high standards.

Learn More About Our Studios


The Hero's Journey

Diverse Leadership:
Our School's Advantage

At our school, we take pride in our exceptional guides who bring a wealth of leadership experience from various backgrounds. With expertise in the U.S. Armed Forces, U.S. Special Forces Operations, Athletic Coaching, Entrepreneurship, and Martial Arts. Our guides serve as role models to inspire students to develop their own leadership skills.

“Creativity is intelligence having fun!”

- Albert Einstein

The long-term vision for our Heart & S.O.L.E. Program promises to be a Uniquely Powerful & Life-Enhancing experience for our Learners!

S - S.T.E.A.M. (STEM + the Arts)
O - Outdoors - Exploring the Natural State
L  - Leadership - Culture Formation and Self Governance
E - Entrepreneurship - Business Ownership Prep.
Learn more about how Acton Academy turns learning upside down.
"A remarkable book that captures the powerful journeys of Acton Academy’s founders, students, parent community, and — I hope — the future of education around the globe. Any school, whether traditional or innovative, will gain insights from this magical place.”
Ted Dintersmith
Education Author, Film Producer, and Philanthropist

Accredited by:

As seen in:

Our Mission

We believe each person who enters our doors deserves to find a calling and change the world.

"I would never have believed children could learn so much from each other...
until I saw it with my own eyes. The lessons of self-management and self-governance have prepared our fifth-grade daughter to be a lifelong learner.”
Parent, Elementary Studio